Your teams create the results

At Pacemkr, we believe that real results are not generated by software solutions but by your teams! Humans are the core of what we do every day, which is empowering work teams to improve their autonomy and capacity. By combining our software and statistical expertise, we leverage your data to enhance your teams’ efficiency and reliability in workload planning.

By focusing on an educational approach based on human needs for knowledge and training, we offer content, tutorials, and training that help deepen the long-term understanding of metrics.

About Pacemkr

Based on the analysis of historical production data, the Pacemkr application provides recommendations, advice, and valuable insights for steering, managing, estimating, and predicting workload. Pacemkr is a digital solution that enhances the autonomy and capacity of work teams.

Our tools

The Pacemkr application

Accurate data is the foundation of accurate production forecasts. That’s why we use historical data analysis in our application to provide you with the most accurate (and easy to read) production flow and frequency reading tools in the industry. Pacemkr was born from the desire to make flow data easy to read, use, and above all, master.

Training content

The Scrum Guide is clear: for optimal performance, Scrum teams must be autonomous and capable of making critical decisions about their production and governance. Pacemkr firmly believes that it is possible to create effective work teams capable of achieving great things by investing in their training and development.

Founder's Message

Louis-Philippe Carignan

Louis-Philippe Carignan is an agile coach, trainer, and speaker. For over 15 years, he has been guiding and inspiring teams to develop their ability to better read data to predict their work flow and support them in their results. If one thing is clear in his profile and approach, it is that he is based on humanity and seeks to elevate it. According to him, success is achieved as a team, with the right tools!

Louis-Philippe founded Pacemkr in 2019 with the goal of contextualizing complex data sets and all the agile theory that was sometimes difficult for teams to digest.

Empowering through knowledge


With precise and contextualized dashboards, the Pacemkr application helps teams develop their ability to read important data such as throughput and flow. These dashboards are built from your historical data sets.


Our Scrum best practices training will help your teams develop their human and professional capabilities to make your teams more autonomous.

Tailored Support

Whether to implement Pacemkr as a solution within your company or to receive personalized support in training your resources or in an agile transition, we have the ability to assist you.

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