Load your data with an Excel file

This tutorial explains how to prepare an Excel file in the right format in order to view your data in Pacemkr.

Arrange your data

The first step is to to create a spreadsheet with the following columns:

IDThe unique identifier of your product backlog item
Link (optional)A URL of the product backlog item in your tracking software (if you have one)
TitleThe summary title or name of the product backlog item

After these first 3 columns, you then add the columns of your workflow. Suppose we have the following workflow:

Then you would have the following columns in the spreadsheet:

0001UrlItem #22024/10/152024/10/172024/10/202024/10/25
0002UrlItem #22024/10/172024/10/20

As for the values in these columns, you put the date at which your PBI entered each column, leaving it blank for columns it didn’t go into or hasn’t gone into yet.

The dates should not include the time. At this time, Pacemkr only supports dates.

After the workflow columns, you can add additional columns that will be used as filters. Here are a couple of well-known and used filters:

PriorityFilter by the types of priorities you have
TypeYou can have the opportunity to filter on a specific PBI type.
EffortIf your Scrum team is pointing your stories, you can add the estimation value here. In another post, I will explain how to compare the effort versus the actual cycle time.

Once your Excel spreadsheet is ready, you can load it in the Excel wizard


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